
This weekend I was unplugged and soaking up time with my family, so I didn’t pause to reflect on Father’s Day with all of you - outside of our free men’s tee with purchase. I had a lot I wanted to say though, so I thought I’d write a blog post.

As I reflect on the past 6+ years since my husband became a dad, I can’t help but think how glad I am to be parenting next to him at a time such as this where so many men are deeply invested in both relationships and fatherhood.

When I look at my husband (and so many of your’s), I see that:

Fatherhood is central to his identity.

He cares about work-family balance.

He spends as much time with his children as he can.

He cooks a bit.

He cleans a bit too.

He helps around the house.

He shops when we need things.

He sees being a dad as his most important contribution to society.

He cherishes being a dad more than anything else.

And yet, he wishes he could do more, and he pushes himself to do more and be better for us.

How do we say thank you for all that? Sometimes we make things way more complicated than we need to.  All we need to do is stop two seconds here and there to say “I see you doing XYZ, and I really appreciate you.” Those words of kindness are far greater than any gift you could ever buy. Don’t you think? If so, I challenge you to make it a habit to stop and share words of appreciation often.

To all the dads out there giving fatherhood your best, we see you, and we appreciate you. 

To my own husband, I’ll never stop telling you how much you mean to us. Thank you for all the things above and more. We love you.

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