Customer Love

It takes a village to run a small business. Since the beginning, our customers have been our village, our family, and the faces behind the Modern Burlap brand. We love being a part of your hopes, dreams, milestones, and all the memories in between. We’ve felt your joy, peace, love, gratitude, kindness, honesty, perseverance,
The mamas up feeding your little loves with Modern Burlap wrapped around them
The dads folding Modern Burlap with baby closely
The families picnicking with Modern Burlap on a beautiful day
The seniors taking photos with Modern Burlap in the backdrop
The college students looking at their Modern Burlap in their dorm rooms
The parents snapping endless Modern Burlap memories with their brand new, perfect baby
The baby riding in the car seat for the very first day
The family out with baby for the very first time
You are Modern Burlap.
Thank you, dear customers, for being our village.
It is the greatest joy to be a part of your moments and days,
and we're sending SO MUCH love your way!