Let's chat about MLK Day

MLK children's book

Today I posted on Instagram:

How will you teach your babes about MLK? This is a question I ask myself every single year, multiple times a year, but especially on this day. ⠀

In college I took a few classes, predominantly a Civil Rights Rhetoric class, that showed me a totally different and heartbreaking American experience for people of color. The wisdom I took away from open dialogue with my classmates, along with dissecting endless civil rights speeches, changed me forever.⠀

There has been so much progress in our nation, but systematic racism continues to impact our communities. 50 years after Dr. King, it is up to our generation to keep pressing forward with open dialogue to learn more, love more, and achieve total reconciliation. 

Today and every day, I’m thankful for Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. and his dream that his four little children would one day live in a nation where they would not be judged by the color of their skin, but by the content of their character.⠀I believe Dr. King's words were wise beyond his years and God-driven too.  I'm thankful he started the dialogue surrounding racial injustices from a place of love, and I believe it's up to each of us to continue this dialogue with our children so that history does not repeat itself.⠀

Each year on this day I set aside time to read the books below with my littles about Martin Luther King Jr, Rosa Parks, and others who made great strides for racial equality.

I am Martin Luther King. Jr. (Ordinary People Change the World)

I am Martin Luther King, Jr. (Ordinary People Change the World)

Martin's Big Words

Martin's Big Words: The Life of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.

I am Rosa Parks

I am Rosa Parks  (Ordinary People Change the World)

I am Jackie Robinson  (Ordinary People Change the World)

I am Jackie Robinson  (Ordinary People Change the World)

I am Harriet Tubman  (Ordinary People Change the World)

I am Harriet Tubman  (Ordinary People Change the World)

I pray that God gives my babes eyes to see like Him and a deep, genuine love for all of humanity just like He has given me.⠀

Let’s chat a bit in the comments.  How do you open dialogue on MLK Day with your children? What about with friends, co-workers, etc.? I would love to hear from you!  




Comment Policy: I welcome comments from all readers and encourage conversations between people who may think differently from one another. However, I do ask that we all think, speak and act from a position of love. We don’t all have to agree with each other, but disagreement is not the same as hate. I will delete comments perceived to be combative.

So think freely, but please speak respectfully.

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  • Thanks for sharing these resources! I didn’t get any kid-friendly books this year but we spent some time talking about how we can be peacemakers in our world. We also spent time talking with our extended family about Dr. King’s dream and what it means to have a dream. We also are going to continue our dance party this week to Stevie Wonder’s tribute song to Dr. King, “Happy Birthday to you.”

    Frenika on
  • This year I decided to more than I have in the past. We checked out several books from the library including one that you have listed. My girls are 7 and 10. We watched Kid President’s MLK video and we did an “I Have a Dream” activity page that I found on Pinterest. I did these things while we were visiting my in-laws and they joined the conversation sharing their experiences with Civil Rights, including a story of how my MIL saw MLK at a march in Mississippi when she was a child! It was really nice that they joined in and could share with my girls.

    Hannah Wallace on
  • I love the way you share honestly and whole heartedly! You’re truly an amazing Mama and awesome role model to many! I’m so happy to be a part of the, Modern Burlap, Family! Thank you so much for letting me in! Xoxox

    Danielle Eidson on
  • I always take the chance to teach my kids about equality and how everyone deserves the same rights as everyone else. I think as parents it’s our job to raise our kids to be kind to anybody no matter their race or religion. I always tell them that I was very lucky to be raised by a wonderful woman from a very young age that everyone is created equal , and I responsibility In this world is to treat everyone with the same dignity and respect that we want to be treated with. Also, that when you come Face-to-face with hate the best way to deal with it is with love!

    Shannon Young on

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