There are miracles Kid's Crewneck Tee
Modern Burlap® takes our apparel line to a whole new level with the introduction of our Made in Los Angeles Collection!
Made for my own family to share with you, here's the scoop:
- This piece is sustainably sourced and ethically produced
- Designed in Bellville, TX, USA
- Cut, Sewn, Garment-Dyed, and Printed in Los Angeles, CA, USA
- Made of 100% Organic Cotton
- Hand printed with baby safe ink
- Tagless, Garment-Dyed, and Pre-shrunk
Ready to be your new favorite tee!
Photo Credit: The Paradis Family + Stacy Mae Photography + KGoebel Photography + @raising.rubies + LilMrsKnudson + Heather Mohr Photography + @sarahsideburns + @brittanypieratt